Nebraska Medicine Partnership FAQs
Clarkson College is an educational partnership with Nebraska Medicine. Due to the collaboration, Clarkson College offers a partnership scholarship to eligible employees of Nebraska Medicine and its partners, which include Clarkson College, Nebraska Medicine (NMC, Bellevue, Village Point, NM Clinics), OrthoNebraska, and Community Hospital Association Inc. (Fairfax).
Tuition & Fees
Partnership Scholarship Information
Employees of Nebraska Medicine may also apply for the Clarkson Deferral Plan if they qualify for tuition reimbursement. This form allows students to defer their tuition and fee payment until two weeks after grades become available. A balance that is less than or equal to their calendar year tuition reimbursement may be deferred. This form is required each semester.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I qualify for the Partnership Scholarship available to employees of Nebraska Medicine?
Employees, their spouses or dependents (age 23 or younger) of Clarkson College, Nebraska Medicine (NMC, Bellevue), OrthoNebraska and Community Hospital Association, Inc. (Fairfax) may receive the Partnership tuition rate, if all other eligibility criteria are met. Private practice physicians who are on the active medical staff of these same hospitals, their spouses or dependents (age 23 or younger) may receive the Partnership Tuition Rate, if all other eligibility criteria are met. The student/employee must be employed at Nebraska Medicine or an affiliate, must be full-time (.9 FTE) or part-time (at least .4 FTE) for six months. This employment status must be maintained to receive the reduced tuition rate.
One of my parents is an employee of Nebraska Medicine. Do I qualify for the scholarship opportunity?
Yes, but only if your parent meets the qualifications above, and you are a dependent of your parent and are 23 years old or younger.
My spouse is an employee of Nebraska Medicine. Do I qualify for the scholarship opportunity?
Yes, but only if your spouse meets the qualifications above.
Who are the affiliates of Nebraska Medicine?
Clarkson College, OrthoNebraska, Shenandoah Hospital, Community Hospital Association, Inc. (Fairfax), private practice physicians who are on the active medical staff of these same affiliates listed.
What is the Nebraska Medicine Partnership Scholarship?
To learn more about the partnership scholarship opportunity for Nebraska Medicine employees, refer to the Nebraska Medicine Partnership webpage.
Why am I being charged tuition and additional fees?
There are two components to your student account: tuition and fees. All students are charged fees for services and access/maintenance of technology. Students may be charged additional fees for enrollment in certain courses or labs where additional instructional expenses are incurred.
How do I defer my tuition payment?
If you qualify for tuition reimbursement through Nebraska Medicine, you may sign a Clarkson Deferral Form (previously referred to as the COPPER form). This must be signed every semester you wish to participate in the payment plan. Only the net total tuition reimbursement amount for calendar year can be deferred.
What is the Clarkson Deferral Plan?
This agreement allows only students attending Clarkson College to defer tuition and fees until two weeks after grades become available. There is no payment plan fee to participate in this program.
To participate and qualify in the Clarkson deferral plan, the following steps below must be meet:
- Sign the Authorization and Statement of Understanding form (Clarkson Deferral Form), every semester, and obtain the appropriate signatures from the Nebraska Medicine human resources department.
- Upon Availability of my semester grades, I must submit a completed and submit correct paperwork.
- Employees must be in good standing. According to the HR 12 Employment Status Policy outlined in the Clarkson Deferral Form payment plan form.
- If total reimbursement for the calendar year does not cover the outstanding term balance: (Total reimbursement left for the calendar year is a required field on the Clarkson Deferral Form and can be discussed with your HR representative)
- The reimbursement balance available within the calendar year may be carried throughout the end of the term until grades are available at Clarkson College, allowing time for processing. Any balance exceeding the tuition reimbursement balance will need to be paid by the term’s tuition and fees due date or late fees and stops will be assessed accordingly.
- If your tuition reimbursement has exceed the total dollar amount allocated for the calendar year, this form will be denied. All tuition and fee charges will need to be paid at the term’s tuition and fees due date or late fees and stops will be assessed accordingly.
How do I request my tuition reimbursement?
You must complete Nebraska Medicine's Application for Tuition Assistance form located in Workday. Upload an itemized tuition billing statement along with your final grades printed from MyCC and submit it in WorkDay. Your tuition reimbursement will get paid directly to you and then you will need to submit the payment to Clarkson College Student Accounts.
When is my tuition payment due?
If you have submitted a Clarkson Deferral Form to the Student Accounts office, you have until two weeks after grades become available to pay the tuition and fees balance of your account. The only remaining balance should be equal to your net total tuition reimbursement for the calendar year. Your tuition reimbursement from Nebraska Medicine will be applied to your student account balance. If for whatever reason, a balance occurs after the reimbursement is applied the remaining tuition balance must be paid within the two week timeframe.
If you did not submit a Clarkson Deferral Form, then your entire account balance (tuition and fees) by the tuition and fees due date.
What forms must I complete and when are they due?
- The partnership verification form will be sent from someone in Admissions once per year in the spring to your Clarkson email address.
- Clarkson Deferral Form for Nebraska Medicine Employees (to defer payment of tuition and fees, until two weeks after the semester grades are posted) must be submitted to the Clarkson College Student Accounts office at the beginning of each semester.
- Application for Tuition Assistance (available on Workday; to be reimbursed for tuition and fees expenses through Nebraska Medicine) must be submitted to Nebraska Medicine's Human Resources office at the end of each semester .
Why am I being charged a late payment fee?
A late payment fee may appear on your Student Account for three separate reasons:
- The Clarkson College Student Accounts department may be missing your Partnership Verification and Clarkson Deferral Form for the current term. Without these forms, tuition and fees are due in full on the term's tuition and fees due date.
- If you are not participating in the Clarkson Deferral Plan, your tuition and fees are due in full on the term's tuition and fees due date. Your payment was not received in full by this date.
- Your semester balance is greater than your available calendar year tuition reimbursement balance with Nebraska Medicine. The difference between these balances caused a balance due. This balance was due on the term's tuition and fees due date.
If payment is not received by the term's tuition and fees due date, you may be charged up to four late payment fees. A Business Office Hold will also be applied to your student account which will prevent you from registering for future semesters and/or receiving your transcripts or diploma.
If you have any questions, contact the Student Accounts office at 402.552.3100.
Student Financial Services
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST
Student Financial Services Office
101 South 42nd Street
Omaha, NE 68131-2739
FX 402.552.6165
Financial Aid:
Staff Contacts
Laura Tworek - Last names A-H;
Danielle Beaulieu - I-Se;
Vanessa Thompson - Sf-Z
[email protected]
PH 402.552.2749
Book an Appointment via
Microsoft Bookings here.
Student Accounts:
[email protected]
PH 402.552.6188